IT Support Services

Drafting of EPC contracts

The Energy Performance Contract (EPC) is a form of energy performance contract which, if stipulated following the right criteria, can become extremely advantageous for the Customer. The most interesting part of this type of contract lies in the fact that the Customer does not have to dedicate any extra resources to the project, as the entire financing is supported by the Energy Technology Hub. This is a “turnkey” service, as the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia is able not only to design, but also to implement the proposed efficiency measures. In this way the Customer will be able to immediately obtain savings on their bills, while the Hub will recover its investment through a fee linked to the energy savings resulting from the efficiency measures carried out.

Who can use the service

This service is aimed at companies, public or private, which do not have the immediate economic possibility to support the expense of efficiency measures but which still want to enjoy the effects that these can bring in the long term.

How it is done

The Polo is responsible for:
• carrying out an inspection to identify the best solution for the intervention;
• designing the efficiency intervention;
• drawing up the contract according to the needs and possibilities of the Customer;< br>• carry out management and maintenance interventions on the system.