We are excited to announce that our startup Algortec, based in Trento, is developing an innovative device for monitoring and managing the physical and environmental parameters of power lines, such as the maximum allowable current and the mechanical status of the conductors. This project is a significant step toward ensuring the safety and efficiency of power lines under all operating conditions.
Innovation that makes a difference! The device has already been granted an international patent application, confirming our commitment to bringing cutting-edge solutions to the energy sector.
Algortec is also recognized by the University of Trento for its innovative value!
The members of Algortec:
– 32% Maurizio Fauri
– 19% Algorab srl
– 19% Palazzoli Spa
– 19% Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia srl
– 5% Alpi srl
– 3% Rizzi Luigi
– 3% Santambrogio Paolo
Learn more about this incredible journey https://www.algortec.com