
Appointment of the Energy Manager for large consumers

Online communication obligation by April 30th


Law 10/91 provides for the obligation to appoint the technician responsible for the conservation and rational use of energy, also called energy manager, in the following cases:


• subjects operating in the industrial sector who in the previous year had an energy consumption exceeding 10,000 tonnes of oil equivalent;

• subjects operating in the civil, tertiary and transport sectors who in the previous year had an energy consumption exceeding 1,000 tonnes of oil equivalent.


FIRE (Italian Federation for the Rational Use of Energy) has set up a web platform for the insertion of Energy Manager and consumption nominations which is the only channel for sending the nomination, to the following address. The appointment must be made according to the following deadlines:


• for obliged entities: by 30 April 2018. The reference consumption for calculating the thresholds is those of 2017;

• for subjects who proceed voluntarily with the appointment: subjects not subject to the obligation can appoint the Manager at any time of the year, without prejudice to the obligation of 30 April for the appointments of subsequent years, as provided for in point 5 of the note explanatory statement of the MiSE Circular of 18 December 2014.


Please note that failure to appoint leads to the application of an administrative sanction. The Presidential Decree 6 June 2001, n. 380 “Consolidated text of legislative and regulatory provisions on construction” provides in fact that […] Failure to comply with the provision requiring the appointment, pursuant to article 19 of law 9 January 1991, n. 10, of the technician responsible for the conservation and rational use of energy, is punished with an administrative fine of no less than 5,164 euros and no more than 51,645 euros.

It is possible to consult a guideline containing all the information necessary for registering on the portal and subsequently sending the data, which can be downloaded at the following address.

Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia can carry out this service for all interested companies.

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