Assistance for CAR qualification
The CAR (High Efficiency Cogeneration) qualification is a recognition that entails the possibility of obtaining Energy Efficiency Certificates and consequently immediate economic benefits. To obtain this qualification, the combined electricity and heat cogeneration system must have a primary energy saving value (PES):
• at least 10% for plants with a capacity greater than 1MWe;
• of any positive value in the case of micro and small cogeneration units.
The Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia offers to carry out all the steps necessary to obtain this qualification and to do so with competence and quality, thanks to the enormous experience acquired over the years of work in the field of energy design.
Who can use the service
It is a service aimed at all those companies that already own and manage a cogeneration plant but prefer to rely on an expert company for the presentation and management of the CAR qualification and the related benefits.
How it is done
The Polo Tecnologico per l'Energia aims to:
• carry out the verification of the requirements necessary to obtain the CAR qualification;
• monitor the performance of the cogeneration plant;
• prepare and present all the documents necessary to obtain the CAR qualification and all the related benefits.