IT Support Services

Carbon Management

Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia offers a monitoring service aimed at evaluating the company’s CO2 emissions and checking compliance with the regulations established by the ETS system. PTE operates in the mandatory (ETS) and voluntary CO2 credit markets and develops the documentation necessary to obtain certification of CO2 credits resulting from energy efficiency and renewable sources projects. The company also measures and neutralizes the CO2 emissions of events of any nature (conferences, fairs, concerts, zero-emission meetings) as well as products, services and companies.

Who can use the service

All companies with systems with installed thermal power exceeding 20MW fall within the scope of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the European system for trading greenhouse gas emission quotas. Polo Tecnologico per l'Energia offers to manage the monitoring of emissions and trading of CO2 quotas. The service is also offered to those industries that want to be part of this market voluntarily and therefore need an expert team capable of guiding them.

How it is done

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