Evaluation of convenience of SSP, RID contracts or directly with a wholesaler
This service aims to identify the best way to sell the energy generated by an energy production plant, whether powered by renewable or fossil sources. In particular, the three types of sales are:
• Net Metering (SSP): this is a direct sales formula where the energy producer sells surplus energy to the network operator, thus obtaining a sort of reimbursement on the bills paid for network withdrawals;
• Dedicated Withdrawal (RID): this method is defined as an indirect sales formula where the energy produced is sold on the electricity market by the GSE on behalf of the producer. With the use of the GSAE as an intermediary there are some benefits such as greater management simplicity but above all guaranteed minimum sales prices for systems with a power of less than 1 MW (for the first 2 MWh per year).
• Sale to a wholesaler: direct sales method which involves an agreement with a wholesaler through a bilateral contract stipulated on the unregulated market. In this case the price of energy is defined by the contract itself.
Who can use the service
PTE offers this service to companies that already own an energy production plant but are struggling to find the best formula for selling energy on the free market.
How it is done
The service includes a complete analysis of the production plant and the company's needs. In this way PTE is able to identify the best sales formula capable of guaranteeing the greatest benefits for the customer.