Market monitoring and analysis
Even for a company already involved in the free energy market, it is important to continue monitoring market changes. This is a financial market, where there are many variables at play and it is not always easy to interpret and predict changes in prices and availability. The Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia offers its capabilities to keep market trends under control and help the Customer make effective choices at the right time, so as to ensure immediate savings for the company and reduce general expenses.
Who can use the service
The Polo Tecnologico per l'Energia offers this service to those companies already involved in the free energy market that want to optimize expenses for the purchase of electricity.
How it is done
The Polo aims to obtain these results through:
• Monitoring of prices on the main Italian and European electricity exchanges (final and forward prices on IPEX - Italian Power Exchange, EEX - European Energy Exchange - POWERNEXT);
• Monitoring forward quotes on the main national and European futures markets;
• Short and medium term forecasting.
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