IT Support Services

Preparation and management of public tenders

Thanks to the accumulated experience and preparation of our team, the Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia is able to find the most suitable solutions for the preparation and management of tenders for the purchase of electricity and gas on the free market. Sharing of purchasing strategies, timely analysis of needs and guaranteed assistance for the activation of supplies are some of the advantages that PTE can bring to its customers compared to a classic management of public tenders. Furthermore, the service can also extend beyond the management of the tender itself, with constant monitoring of energy supply invoices and continuous information activity towards the purchasing centre.

Who can use the service

This service is offered to all Public Administrations and investee companies that purchase electricity and gas on the free market.

How it is done

The service mainly consists of the following activities:
• preparation of tender notices;
• support in the definition and setup phase of the tender;
• reporting to Top Management;
• assistance to the tender commission and subsequent assistance during the supply.

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